Council news
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Temporary gym to open in Girvan Community Centre
SCCL has been granted permission by the Council to set up the temporary gym. 25 April 2024.

Communities Fun Day Returns for 2024
The award-winning free event will take place on Saturday 11 May 2024 at both the Riverside Sports Arena and Ayr Academy in Ayr. 25 April 2024.

Three South Ayrshire Schools Receive Glowing Inspection Reports
A team of inspectors visited Girvan Academy, Muirhead Primary School and Early Years Centre, and Sacred Heart Primary School and Early Years Centre between November 2023 and January 2024. 25 April 2024.

100-year-old time capsule discovered during Carrick Academy demolition works
The capsule, which dates back to 1925 - the year the school was constructed, was transferred to our Ayrshire Archives centre in Ayr for opening and inspection by our expert staff. 25 April 2024.

Depute Provost celebrates VASA Saltire Awards
Depute Provost Mary Kilpatrick attended the Voluntary Action South Ayrshire (VASA) Saltire Awards at Ayr Town Hall to present the prestigious Summit Award. 24 April 2024.

International Workers' Memorial Day 26 April - memorial bench unveiling at Rozelle
South Ayrshire Council will mark International Workers' Memorial Day on 26 April by unveiling a memorial bench at Rozelle Park in Ayr. 23 April 2024.

Typhoon display team confirmed for 2024 air show
South Ayrshire Council is delighted to announce that the Typhoon Display Team will return to this year's International Ayr Show - Festival of Flight. 23 April 2024.

Local Outcomes Improvement Plan and Child Poverty Strategy agreed by Community Planning Partnership Board
The South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Board approved two key strategies which will be the main focus of work for South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) over the next five years. 22 April 2024.

Girvan couple awarded rare Provost's Medal
Provost Iain Campbell bestowed the honour on Lorna and Ritchie Conaghan of Girvan and District Great War Project (GADGWP) at a recent Civic Ceremony.

Thriving Communities celebrate young people's achievements at South Ayrshire Youth Awards
Remarkable young people aged 11-25 were nominated for awards within nine categories, with three finalists from each category going forward to the awards ceremony. 19 April 2024.