Council news
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Provost hosts reception at County Buildings with Canadian Armed Forces
South Ayrshire Provost Iain Campbell welcomed Acting-Comd, Maj Pat Coude and MWO Claude Malboeuf from the Canadian Armed Forces based at Prestwick to County Buildings. 4 March 2024.

William Gillies Exhibition at Rozelle House Museum and Galleries
The exhibition runs from 2 March - 16 June 2024

South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Launches new Green Health Calendar
The calendar, which will be available in both online and paper formats, serves as a monthly guide, offering a range of engaging nature-focused activities. Every month there's a location to visit in South Ayrshire, a home-based activity and a fresh way for families to integrate nature into their day.

Citadel Leisure Centre investment update
Comprehensive facility surveys will help shape the future. 1 March 2024.

South Ayrshire children enjoy traditional Burns Supper experience!
Primary 7 children from schools across South Ayrshire visited Ayr Town Hall on Tuesday 27 February for the 22nd Annual Schools' Burns Supper. 1 March 2023.

South Ayrshire Council to Introduce Charges for Collecting Garden Waste
South Ayrshire Council is introducing a charge to collect garden waste from residents across the area, following approval at today's (Thursday 29 February) full Council meeting.

South Ayrshire Council Sets 2024/25 Budget
South Ayrshire Council have today (Thursday 29 February) agreed a budget for 2024/25 which focuses on generating income and protecting our vital services.

Council Employee Receives Retrospective Cap from Scottish Rugby
South Ayrshire Council employee, Craig Redpath, recently received a retrospective Cap for playing an international test match for Scottish Rugby. 29 February 2024.

Provost visits Council's Employee Charity Partner
South Ayrshire Provost Iain Campbell recently visited the Council's Employee Charity Partner, Night Before Christmas Campaign.

Former Station Hotel - Safety Works Update - 26 February 2024
Works are progressing at the former Station Hotel. 26 February 2024.