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Read the latest news from South Ayrshire Council.

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South Ayrshire Council Budget Consultation - Now Open

South Ayrshire Council has launched a new budget consultation ahead of the 2024/25 budget. 15 February 2024.

Nature Restoration Project for Dalmilling Golf Course

Over 3,000 trees are set to be planted on Dalmilling Golf Course in Ayr in the coming months, thanks to funding from NatureScot's Nature Restoration Fund initiative. 13 February 2024.

Provost and Depute Provost visit River Garden

South Ayrshire Provost Iain Campbell and Depute Provost Mary Kilpatrick visited River Garden in Auchincruive to see the new accommodation and facilities on site.

Opportunities Unlocked at the South Ayrshire Futures Event

Following the success last year, the South Ayrshire Futures Event returned on Wednesday 7 February at Ayr Racecourse, organised in partnership with Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce. 12 February 2024.

Former Station Hotel - Safety Works Update = 9 February 2024

The recent weather conditions have affected progress on site. 9 February 2024.

Riverside Sports Arena hosts national athletics competition

Indoor qualifying heats for the British Championships in athletics were recently held at the new Riverside Sports Arena in Ayr. 8 February 2024.

Provost welcomes Police Inspector and Sergeant to County Buildings

South Ayrshire Provost Iain Campbell welcomed Inspector Ben Legge - Response Policing, Ayrshire Police Division and Sergeant Mel Fraser - Locality Policing Sergeant, South Ayrshire Police Sub Division to County Buildings yesterday. 7 February 2023.

Provost and Depute Provost celebrate the birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan

Provost Iain Campbell and Depute Provost Mary Kilpatrick attended a reception to celebrate the birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan in Edinburgh last night. 7 February 2024.

Two historic paintings gifted to South Ayrshire Council's Collection

Two historic paintings were recently gifted to the South Ayrshire Council's Collection by the Kyle and Carrick Civic Society. 6 February 2024.

Official Opening Event for Maybole Leisure Club

Councillor Brian Connolly, South Ayrshire Council's Portfolio Holder for Sport and Leisure, cut the ribbon to mark the opening of the much-anticipated facility. 02 Feb 2024.

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