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Read the latest news from South Ayrshire Council.

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Provost marks rededication of stained glass window at Ayr's Auld Kirk

Provost Iain Campbell attended a service at Ayr's Auld Kirk to mark the rededication of a stained glass window in the church's Trades Loft. 13 December 2023.

Provost and Depute attend South Ayrshire Hospice Light up a Life Event

South Ayrshire Provost Iain Campbell and Depute Provost Mary Kilpatrick both attended the Ayrshire Hospice Light Up a Life event on Sunday 10 December. 13 December 2023.

Investing in our Golf Courses

South Ayrshire Council's first-class golf facilities are a fantastic draw for residents and visitors alike, and earlier this year we confirmed a £5 million investment in our courses over the next three years. 8 December 2023.

Maybole Swimming Pool to Close, Reopening in Maybole Community Campus with Exciting Upgrades

After serving the community for nearly five decades, Maybole Swimming Pool will close its doors for the final time at 10pm on Tuesday 19 December. However, it's great news for residents as the pool will reopen within the newly constructed Maybole Community Campus on Thursday 4 January, with an array of exciting upgrades and expanded facilities. 7 December 2023.

Provost switches on Christmas lights in Tarbolton

Provost Iain Campbell recently attended the Light Up Tarbolton event to help Mr and Mrs Claus switch on the Christmas lights! 7 December 2023.

Provost gives speech at Reclaim the Night walk

South Ayrshire Provost Iain Campbell gave a speech at the beginning of the Reclaim the Night walk on Tuesday 5 December. 7 December 2023.

Provost and Depute attend AFO Christmas Fayre

South Ayrshire Provost Iain Campbell and Depute Provost Mary Kilpatrick officially opened the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra (AFO) Christmas Fayre. 5 December 2023.

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