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Health Referral Programmes

The Active Living Team delivers a Health and Wellbeing service throughout South Ayrshire which offers a wide range of activities to support people to become more active and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

People with the following conditions are not suitable to participate in our programme:

  • Unstable angina
  • Uncontrolled resting blood pressure
  • Significant drop in blood pressure during exercise
  • Tachycardia >100bpm
  • Unstable or acute heart failure
  • Uncontrolled acute sytemic illness
  • Unable to maintain seated upright position
  • Recent injury through fall without attention
  • Impared cognition such that the patient is unable to follow instructions
  • Place others and themselves at risk

Our programme is accessed via referral by a medical professional or self-referral. Once referred you will be invited to a consultation to ensure suitability for the programme. Our Health Referral Programme allows customers to access health classes, evolve classes, health gym inductions, gym and swim sessions via our exclusive membership options.

For more information on our health classes please click on the tabs at the bottom of the page.

Contact us

T: 01292 269793

Health Booklet (PDF, 3 MB)

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