Supplementary planning guidance
Information about the supplementary planning guidance that's been prepared to support the local development plan.
In connection with the South Ayrshire Local Development Plan 2022 (LDP2), the Council has adopted Supplementary Guidance for Housing Site Design Briefs. In assessing and determining relevant planning applications, this supplementary guidance document constitutes a material consideration, which carries the weight of the development plan. No further supplementary guidance will come forward in association with LDP2. The Council is now working towards the preparation of LDP3.
Supplementary Guidance: Housing Site Design Briefs (PDF, 13 MB)
Other Planning Guidance
Supplementary guidance that was adopted as part of LDP2 does not carry the status of development plan policy, but where relevant may still be used by the Council in the consideration of planning applications. The documents are now referred to as 'Planning Guidance', rather than Supplementary Guidance.
- Alterations and Extensions to Houses Supplementary Guidance (PDF, 4 MB)
- Rural Housing Supplementary Guidance (PDF, 5 MB)
- Historic Environment Supplementary Guidance (PDF, 14 MB)
- Housing Site Design Briefs Supplementary Guidance (PDF, 41 MB)
- Maintaining An Effective Housing Land Supply (PDF, 4 MB)
- Supplementary Guidance Wind Energy (PDF, 15 MB)
- Supplementary Guidance Dark Sky Lighting (PDF, 5 MB)
- Open Space and Designing New Residential Developments (PDF, 17 MB)
- Redevelopment Opportunities Schedule (PDF, 14 MB)
- New Housing Developments and Affordable Housing (PDF, 6 MB)
- Dormer Windows (PDF, 150 KB)
- Velux Rooflights (PDF, 48 KB)
- Design Guidelines for Advertisement and Commercial Signage (PDF, 5 MB)
- Shopfront Security (PDF, 136 KB)
- Control of Sunshades and Canopies on Commercial Frontages (PDF, 65 KB)
- Satellite Receiver Dishes (PDF, 67 KB)
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (PDF, 75 KB)
- Ayr Riverside Development Framework (PDF, 6 MB)
The Council will undertake a review of the planning guidance documents listed above to ensure their continued relevance, in light of the adoption of LDP2 and Scottish Government approval of National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4).
South Ayrshire Landscape Wind Capacity Study
South Ayrshire Landscape Wind Capacity Study - Main Report Updated August 2018 (PDF, 17 MB)
South Ayrshire Landscape Capacity Study - Appendix Updated August 2018 (PDF, 40 MB)
Environmental Assessments
As part of the process of preparing all relevant pieces of supplementary guidance, consideration has been given to the application of the requirements of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. View all screening, scoping and environmental reports.
Similarly, consideration has been given to the requirements set out under The Conservation (Natural Habitats & c.) Regulations 1994 in respect of all relevant pieces of supplementary guidance. View all Habitats Regulations Appraisals .
Planning Service Procedural and Advisory Notes and Protocols
Registration form for Regulatory Panel (Word doc, 36 KB)
Service Standard: Planning Application Process (PDF, 441 KB)
Planning Application Procedures (PDF, 864 KB)
Affordable Housing Procedure Note (PDF, 344 KB)
Housing Services Affordable Housing Annual Monitoring (PDF, 177 KB)
Protocol for Public Consultation on Supplementary Planning Guidance (PDF, 1 MB)
Rural Business Procedure Note Note explains the procedure (PDF, 135 KB)
Note explains the procedure followed by Development Management case officers when assessing the merits of development proposals for businesses in rural areas against relevant policies within the adopted South Ayrshire Local Development Plan.