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Ranger Service - Junior Environmental Volunteer Privacy Notice

Read the privacy notice for Junior Environmental Volunteer.

When you register to take part in the Junior Environmental Volunteer Programme for South Ayrshire Council Ranger Service, you will need to provide us with some personal information.

As the 'data controller' for the personal information - or data - we hold about you, South Ayrshire Council decides how your personal information is used/processed, and what it is used for. This statement provides more details about this and provides information on how to get in touch with us if you need to know more.

Your personal data - what is it?

Personal data is information relating to a living person who can be identified from that data. Identification can be based on the information alone, or in conjunction with any other information. The processing of personal data is governed by the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and supplemented by the Data Protection Act 2018.

What Personal Data will we collect from you?

We will only collect the personal information we need to provide you with relevant information, services and support. The personal data we will collect includes:  

To participate in the Programme

To enable certain activities to be undertaken or in the event of an emergency


Emergency contact details (agreement from your emergency contacts to use these details is required)


Additional support needs

Telephone (landline and mobile)

Medical conditions



Photographic / video footage (optional)

How will we use your information?

We will use your name, address and telephone number to contact you regarding the programme. Should you provide us with information relating to any additional support needs or medical conditions you have, these will be used to assist the service provider in catering for these individuals needs and requirements or in the event of an emergency.

Your photographic/video image, should you agree to this being taken, will only be used for the purposes explained in the application form which you require to complete to take part in the Programme.  Photographic/video images, relating to the sessions you are taking part in, may be posted in publications, press articles, promotional material and on the Council's website and social media pages.

What is the legal basis for using/sharing your information?

Our legal basis for collecting your personal data is that the processing is required for the legitimate interests of the Council, as data controller and yourself when volunteering to take part in the Junior Environmental Volunteer Programme.

If, when completing the application form, you agree to have your photograph taken / be part of video footage taken as part of the Programme.  You have the right to withdraw your agreement, in whole or in part, at any time.  If you wish to withdraw your agreement please contact   Please note once information has been shared it cannot be unshared, e.g. If your image is posted on social media.

Special category data

When participating in the Programme, we also need to process more sensitive personal information about you known as special category data, for example health information. Processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest as set out in Article 9(2) (g) of the GDPR and meets a condition in Part 2 of Schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act 2018, i.e. we need to collect this health information to allow us to assist the service provider in catering for any individuals needs and requirements you have to enable you to take part in certain activities of the Programme.

Who will we share your information with?

We will not share your personal data with any 3rd party, except where necessary your information may be shared with NHS Ayrshire & Arran professionals should medical concerns occur during your participation in the Programme (in the event of a medical emergency).

How long do we keep hold of your information?

We keep your personal data for no longer than reasonably necessary. The Junior Environmental Volunteer Programme is scheduled to run to 31 March 2023.   Your information will be retained in line with our Corporate Records Retention Schedule as follows:

Purpose we collect your

personal data


Trigger - event that

prompts start of

retention period

How long we hold your


Volunteer Personal Details

Conclusion of Programme

Current plus 1 year after closure of Programme

Emergency Contact Details 

Conclusion of Programme

Closure of Programme

Relevant Support Needs / Health Conditions

Conclusion of Programme

Closure of Programme

Photographic / video images

Conclusion of Programme

Closure of Programme

What are your rights?

You can ask us to:

  • correct your personal information if it is inaccurate;
  • complete your personal information if it is incomplete;
  • restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances; and
  • erase your personal information in certain circumstances.

You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal information.

What are the consequences of failing to provide personal information?

Should you fail to provide the relevant personal information to us, you will be unable to take part in the Junior Environmental Volunteer Programme.

What about Automated Decision- Making?

Our services do not use automatic decision making.

Do you require this statement in a different format?

Please contact us if you require this information in an alternative format.

How can you get in touch with us?

If you wish to obtain any records held by the Council relating to you, or if you have any general data protection queries, please contact the Council's Data Protection Service at:

Data Protection Officer
South Ayrshire Council
County Buildings
Wellington Square

Telephone: 01292 612 223

Are you dissatisfied with the way your Personal Information has been handled?

If you are unhappy with the way we have dealt with your personal information, you can complain to the Council's Data Protection Officer using the contact details noted above.

If you remain dissatisfied after contacting us, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner:

Information Commissioner's Office - Scotland
Queen Elizabeth House
Sibbald Walk

Telephone: 0303 123 1115

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