Local Review Body - 21 June 2022
Local Review Body agenda and associated papers for the meeting on 21 June 2022
- Chair - Councillor Bell
- Councillor Cavana
- Councillor Clark
- Councillor Connolly
- Councillor Dixon
- Councillor Kilbride
- Councillor Kilpatrick
- Councillor Mackay
- Councillor Townson
Notice of meeting
Notice of Meeting - LRB - 210622 (PDF, 92 KB)
1. Declarations of Interest.
2. 21/00944/PPP - Application for Planning Permission in principle for erection of 2 dwellinghouses at Land to the North of the Pottery C13 from Assel Road Pinmore via Tormitchel and Penwhapple Glen to B734 Junction at Penkill North from Pinmore, Girvan, South Ayrshire. (PDF, 11 MB)New Case for Review - 21/00944/PPP - Application for Planning Permission in principle for erection of 2 dwellinghouses at Land to the North of the Pottery C13 from Assel Road Pinmore via Tormitchel and Penwhapple Glen to B734 Junction at Penkill North from Pinmore, Girvan, South Ayrshire.
3. 5 Clochranhill Road (PDF, 14 MB)New Case for Review - 21/01026/APP - Application for Planning Permission for alterations and extension to dwellinghouse at 5 Clochranhill Road, Ayr, South Ayrshire, KA7 4PZ.
Meeting papers
Meeting Papers for LRB 210622 (PDF, 23 MB)
Meeting recording
The recording of this meeting can be viewed on our Webcasting channel.
Local Review Body Final Minute (PDF, 74 KB)