Council news
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Depute Provost celebrates VASA Saltire Awards
Depute Provost Mary Kilpatrick attended the Voluntary Action South Ayrshire (VASA) Saltire Awards at Ayr Town Hall to present the prestigious Summit Award. 24 April 2024.

International Workers' Memorial Day 26 April - memorial bench unveiling at Rozelle
South Ayrshire Council will mark International Workers' Memorial Day on 26 April by unveiling a memorial bench at Rozelle Park in Ayr. 23 April 2024.

Typhoon display team confirmed for 2024 air show
South Ayrshire Council is delighted to announce that the Typhoon Display Team will return to this year's International Ayr Show - Festival of Flight. 23 April 2024.

Local Outcomes Improvement Plan and Child Poverty Strategy agreed by Community Planning Partnership Board
The South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Board approved two key strategies which will be the main focus of work for South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP) over the next five years. 22 April 2024.

Girvan couple awarded rare Provost's Medal
Provost Iain Campbell bestowed the honour on Lorna and Ritchie Conaghan of Girvan and District Great War Project (GADGWP) at a recent Civic Ceremony.

Thriving Communities celebrate young people's achievements at South Ayrshire Youth Awards
Remarkable young people aged 11-25 were nominated for awards within nine categories, with three finalists from each category going forward to the awards ceremony. 19 April 2024.

Provost attends significant event to unveil headstone in honour of a victim of World War Two tragedy - the Arandora Star
Provost Campbell gathered with the family of Francesco D'Inverno. 18 April 2024.

South Ayrshire signs friendship agreement with City of Barga, Italy
Provost Iain Campbell signed the agreement on behalf of South Ayrshire, along with Caterina Campani, Mayor of Barga, who signed on behalf of the town. 17 April 2024.

Former station hotel update
Tower and half of northern section to be removed by mid-June 2024. 12 April 2024.

Have your say - Girvan Conservation Area
Closing date for the consultation is Sunday 28 April 2024.