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  • Barr SCIO_Community Hub Business Plan_101223 (002)_RedactedBarr SCIO_Community Hub Business Plan (Adobe pdf documents)

    Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 3 2. The Business and What it Does 5 3. The Proposal 16 4. Strategic Case 36 5. Details of the Business 42 6. People & Go...

  • Agenda Item 9a Unannounced Inspection of Cunningham Place Childrens House (Adobe pdf documents)

    Template and guidance notes for compiling a report to be submitted to a Panel etc. of South Ayrshire Council 1 Agenda Item No. 9(a) South Ayrshire Council Repor...

  • Cabinet - Scotland Loves Local South Ayrshire Gift Card Programme - 23 May 2023 (Adobe pdf documents)

    Template and guidance notes for compiling a report to be submitted to a Panel etc. of South Ayrshire Council 1 Agenda Item No. 4(b) South Ayrshire Council Repor...

  • 2008 Ayrshire LBAP (Adobe pdf documents)

    Layout 1 Ayrshire Biodiversity Action Plan 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 1 0 The Conservation and Enhancement of Ayrshire’s Biodiversity 2 1 A Biodiversity Action Plan for Ayrs...

  • LHEES Summary (Word processor documents)

    South Ayrshire Council Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy SUMMARY 2024 - 2029 Overview What is an LHEES? The Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (L...

  • Agenda and reports for the Service and Performance Panel of 22 November 2022 (Adobe pdf documents)

    County Buildings Wellington Square AYR KA7 1DR Tel No: 01292 612436 15 November 2022 To: Councillors Shields (Chair), Bell, Cullen, Cochrane, Scott and Weir All...

  • Agenda and reports for the Service and Performance Panel on 22 November 2022 (Adobe pdf documents)

    County Buildings Wellington Square AYR KA7 1DR Tel No: 01292 612436 15 November 2022 To: Councillors Shields (Chair), Bell, Cullen, Cochrane, Scott and Weir All...

  • Full Version Adopted LDP Aug 2022 Reduced (Adobe pdf documents)

    Local Development Plan Adopted August 2022 Our People, Our Place, Our Future Foreword and Vision Statement by Bob Pollock, Portfolio Holder for Economy Developm...

  • Combined File Public LP 080322 (Adobe pdf documents)

    County Buildings Wellington Square AYR KA7 1DR Tel No: 01292 612436 1 March 2022 To:- Councillors Henderson, Cochrane, Cullen, Dettbarn, Grant, McGinley and Sax...

  • Combined File (Public) Licensing Board 100322 (Adobe pdf documents)

    Bòrd-ceadachaidh Siorrachd Àir a Deas County Buildings Wellington Square AYR KA7 1DR Telephone No. 01292 612169 24 February 2022 To:- Councillors Mackay (Chair)...

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