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  • item 2a overdue actions (Adobe pdf documents)

    Title Mtg Date Title of Report Directorate Managed by Implementation Compl Current Due DRequested Revis Notes (any date changes agreed...

  • item 2a overdue actions (Adobe pdf documents)

    Title Mtg Date Title of Report Directorate Managed by Implementation Compl Current Due DRequested Revis Notes (any date changes agreed...

  • Information Sharing Agreement between the NHS, 3-Ayrshire Councils and the HSCP Integration Joint Boards (Adobe pdf documents)

    ...Supersedes: 02.0 Status: Approved Author: Information Governance Pan-Ayrshire Group Date Approved: 24/11/2021 Approved by: Information...

  • Adam - Alternative curriculum (Adobe pdf documents)

    Adam Wallace Braehead Primary Alternative Curriculum Hi my name is Adam and I first got involved with the Braehead Friday afternoon...

  • Representation in support 4 (Adobe pdf documents)> Sent: 15 August 2020 07:17 To: CAT Subject:Support I would like to add my name to the Asset Transfer Application for...

  • Rep 31 (Adobe pdf documents)

    Document1 To whom this may concern , I am am writing to raise my concern and object to the potential take over of Muirhead activity...

  • Rep 34 (Adobe pdf documents)

    Document1 I would like to log my objection to the community assets transfer from council to dundonald gymnastics being completed...

  • Rep 8 (Adobe pdf documents)

    Document1 Hi I am writing to submit my support for DGC taking over the Muirhead Community Centre. First from a personal note, my...

  • Rep 43 (Adobe pdf documents)

    Document1 Dear Sarah, I am writing to convey my apprehension and ultimately objection to the community asset transfer of muirhead...

  • Rep 45 (Adobe pdf documents)

    ...Muirhead Activity Centre. It is a great centre for the community. I myself use it for my child’s birthday parties and she also attends...

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