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  • item 4 Local Performance Report: Police Scotland (Adobe pdf documents)

    Agenda Item No.4 South Ayrshire Council Report by Depute Chief Executive and Director of Education to Service and Partnerships Performance...

  • ARIA Fund LAG Meeting 2nd November 2022 (Adobe pdf documents)

    Microsoft Word - A-LAG Minutes Final 02-11-22 Signed.docx Page 1 ARIA Fund LAG (A-LAG) MEETING 2nd Nov 2022 9:30 – 15:00 County Hall, South Ayrshire Council Cou...

  • item 7b - Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan Consultation (Adobe pdf documents)

    1 Agenda Item No. 7(b) South Ayrshire Council Report by Assistant Director – Planning and Development to Cabinet of 16 January 2023 Subject: Local Heat and Ener...

  • Cabinet - 290823 - Item 6d Covid-19 Recovery Project and LACER Funding Review (Adobe pdf documents)

    Template and guidance notes for compiling a report to be submitted to a Panel etc. of South Ayrshire Council 1 Agenda Item No. 6(d) South Ayrshire Council Repor...

  • Representation 5 - support (Adobe pdf documents)

    3rd November 2019 To whom it may concern, Re: Friends of Dundonald Castle asset transfer we are writing to you as the collected staff of the Archaeology subject...

  • Agenda Item No 10 Report and Appendix (Adobe pdf documents)

    Agenda Item No. 10 South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Board Report by ADP Lead Officer to Community Planning Partnership Board Meeting of 26th Octobe...

  • 2008 Ayrshire LBAP (Adobe pdf documents)

    Layout 1 Ayrshire Biodiversity Action Plan 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 1 0 The Conservation and Enhancement of Ayrshire’s Biodiversity 2 1 A Biodiversity Action Plan for Ayrs...

  • Child Protection Planning Meeting (CPPM) for parents/ carers

    If there are concerns that your child might have been harmed or be at risk of harm in the future, you may be invited to a Child Protection Planning Meeting.  Th...

  • item 10a Capital Programme (Adobe pdf documents)

    1 Agenda Item No. 10(a) South Ayrshire Council Report by Assistant Director - Place to Cabinet of 14 June 2022 Subject: General Services Capital Programme 2021/...

  • item 10a Capital Programme (Adobe pdf documents)

    1 Agenda Item No. 10(a) South Ayrshire Council Report by Assistant Director - Place to Cabinet of 14 June 2022 Subject: General Services Capital Programme 2021/...

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