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  • Troon library to municipal building plan (Adobe pdf documents)

    ...Standard ENTRANCE ENTRANCE SE RV IC E CO U N TE R STAFF AREA M F D 90 0 90 0 Item B 900 4 9 0 0 4 T r o l l e y PUBLIC ACCESS COMPUTERS...

  • Regulatory Panel (Licensing) Combined File - 30th November 2023 (Adobe pdf documents)

    County Buildings Wellington Square AYR KA7 1DR Telephone No. 01292 612169 17 November 2023 To:- Councillors Bell (Chair), Cavana, Clark, Dixon, Kilbride, Kilpat...

  • Regulatory Panel (Licensing) Combined File - 25th April 2024 (Adobe pdf documents)

    County Buildings Wellington Square AYR KA7 1DR Telephone No. 01292 612169 11 April 2024 To:- Councillors Bell (Chair), Cavana, Clark, Dixon, Kilbride, Kilpatric...

  • EQIA matrix 2021-22 (Adobe pdf documents)

    2021-22%20EQIA%20Matrix.pdf Eq ua lit ie s Im pa ct As se ss m e In tro du ce Re tu rn to Se rv ice ch a nt M at rix B ud ge t 2 02 1- 22 Eq ua lit y Im pa ct N...

  • Matrix - core paths VSEA objectives (Adobe pdf documents)

    Core Paths SEA Objective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cumulative Effects Biodiversity Flora and Fauna Cumulative effect in relation to each...

  • Advertisement_and_Commercial_Signage[1] (Adobe pdf documents)

    ...Principles 3 Part 1 Commercial premises in town centres/ neighbourhood centres. 4 Part 2 Commercial premises in conservation areas,...

  • Annex C - Capital Assets Report (Adobe pdf documents)

    Rural Study - Rural Ayrshire and the Isles of Arran and Cumbrae (Annex C) Review of Capital Assets Prepared by In collaboration with RURAL AYRSHIRE AND THE ISLE...

  • LHEES Full Technical Report (Word processor documents)

    Ricardo REPORT template (REEP) Client Confidential Client Confidential Client Confidential Client Confidential Client Confidential Local Heat and Energy Efficie...

  • LHEES Full Technical Report (Word processor documents)

    Ricardo REPORT template (REEP) Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy – Technical report Report for: South Ayrshire Council Ricardo ref. ED18430 Issue: V5 19...

  • item 10a Procurement of a Strategic Delivery Partner for an Event (Adobe pdf documents)

    Template and guidance notes for compiling a report to be submitted to a Panel etc. of South Ayrshire Council 1 Agenda Item No. 10(a) South Ayrshire Council Repo...

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