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Save the date! Council confirms 2024 air show Ayrshire Council has announced that The International Ayr Show - Festival of Flight will return to Ayr shore front next September. The hugely popular even...
Housing Benefit Benefit is means tested to help people on low income to pay their rent.
Requirements guide can apply for a building warrant and submit related forms online: e-Development Portal Plans and supporting information South Ayrshire Council have produced...
Mutual exchanges and homeswaps mutual exchange, also known as a home swap, provides South Ayrshire Council tenants with the opportunity to swap their home with another council or housing as...
UK Community Renewal Fund: South Ayrshire Council Privacy Notice the privacy notice for the UK Community Renewal Fund. When you apply for UK Community Renewal Fund support you will need to provide us with some personal i...
Education Services Privacy Notice - Parental Engagement Survey SERVICES - PRIVACY NOTICE PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT SURVEY When you choose to get involved with our Parental Engagement survey we will need to collect ...
Complaints privacy notice the privacy notice for Complaints. When you make a complaint, you will need to provide us with some personal data or information. As the 'data controller' ...
Paying for building repairs and maintenance home is probably your biggest asset, so it makes sense to protect it by keeping it in a good state of repair. A well maintained home is more pleasant to li...
Transitional relief a result of the revaluation of all non-domestic properties from 1 April 2023, together with other legislation changes affecting the rates reliefs available, ...
South Ayrshire Council - 3 March 2022 Ayrshire Council agenda for the meeting of 3 March 2022 Notice of meeting Agenda Provost. Sederunt and Declarations of Interest. Note: Members are reminde...