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Membership Terms and Conditions

Understand the terms and conditions for Memberships

Terms and conditions of membership for Leisure

Payment options:

Payments will be accepted by a variety of methods:

  1. Cheques
  2. Cash
  3. Direct Debit (5th of month)

General conditions of membership:

  1. Membership cards can be issued to all current members and a card is issued to all via the app and must be used to gain entry each time a visit is made failure to do so may incur a booking strike see booking arrangements for full details of advance booking penalties that will be applied. Cards are not transferable and any use other that by the member may result in the cancellation of that membership.
  2. Management reserves the right to refuse any application for membership.
  3. South Ayrshire Council reserve the right to review membership fees and direct debit payments and these may be increased accordingly. Members paying by direct debit will be given ten days notice of any proposed increase and will have the right to terminate the membership without penalty at any time within the ten day period, failing which the member will be deemed to have accepted the increase. Contact will be made via e mail and it is the members responsibility to keep their email address and contact details up to date.
  4. A charge of £5 will be made in respect of replacement membership cards.
  5. An advanced fee is payable on the day of joining which is worked out pro-rata from the monthly price.
  6. Payment date is 5th of each month for monthly memberships. 28 days notice from any payment date is required to cancel the membership.  If you are unable to access the cancellation form, please call 01292 269793.  
  7. Any changes to employment status for any type of Corporate Membership should be notified to

General terms of membership:

  1. The Applicant warrants that all such questions as the Applicant may have regarding the exercise programme have been answered to his/her satisfaction. If an induction is required, the Applicant will book this with facility staff prior to using the gym for the first time.
  2. The Applicant will comply with the Rules relating to the use of the gym, swimming pool and other facilities.
  3. Memberships may be frozen (for acceptable reasons, e.g. injury) if the duration is in excess of 2 months or more.
  4. Failure to comply with any Rules relating to the use of the fitness suite, health suite, swimming pool, fitness classes and other facilities may result in membership being withdrawn.
  5. On occasion it may be necessary for South Ayrshire Council to close areas of the facility for essential maintenance. Closure for a period of longer than one week may result in compensation.
  6. Planned closures for Holiday periods or planned activities will not constitute reasons for a refund.

Health commitment statement

Our commitment to youYour commitment to us
  1. We will respect your personal choice, and allow you to make your own decisions about what exercise you can carry out. However, we ask you not to exercise beyond what you consider to be your own abilities.
  2. We will take reasonable steps to make sure that our equipment and facilities are clean and safe for you to use and enjoy for the normal purpose they were intended for. Bear in mind that we are not able to clean or inspect equipment and facilities after each use.
  3. We will take reasonable steps to make sure that our staff are qualified to Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity standards.
  4. If you tell us you have a disability that puts you at a substantial disadvantage in terms of accessing our equipment and facilities, we will consider which adjustments, if any, are reasonable for us to make.
  1. Do not exercise beyond your own abilities. If you know or are concerned that you have a medical condition that might interfere with you exercising safely, you should get advice from a relevant medical professional before you use our equipment and facilities, and follow it.
  2. Make yourself aware of any rules and instructions, including warning notices, and follow them. Exercise carries its own risks. When you are exercising, you are responsible for the risks involved. You should not carry out any activities that you have been told are not suitable for you.
  3. Let us know immediately if our equipment or facilities are unsafe to use or if you feel ill when using our equipment or facilities. Our staff members are not qualified doctors, but there will be someone available who has been trained in first aid.
  4. If you have a disability, follow the instructions provided to allow you to exercise safely.

Terms and conditions of Learn 2 Swim/Dive/Gymnastics membership

Membership options:

The named child is member of the above scheme.

The Learn 2 lesson membership entitles the child who is the member to swimming in all South Ayrshire Council pools during public swimming times.

The membership also entitles the member to one lesson per week throughout the year.

South Ayrshire Council will provide a minimum of:

  • Swimming - 45
  • Diving - 45
  • Gymnastics - 39

lessons in the calendar year. Any extra lessons over and above that in the calendar year will not be charged.

Payment options

Payments will be accepted by Direct Debit (5th of month)

General conditions of membership:

  1. Membership does not include the use of a locker; these are available for use for a small nominal charge.
  2. Membership cards are issued to all current members and must be used to gain entry each time a visit is made. Cards are not transferable and any use other that by the member may result in the cancellation of that membership.
  3. Management reserves the right to refuse any application for membership.
  4. South Ayrshire Council reserve the right to review membership fees and direct debit payments and these may be increased accordingly. Members paying by direct debit will be given one month's notice of any proposed increase and will have the right to terminate the membership without penalty at any time within the one month period, failing which the member will be deemed to have accepted the increase.
  5. A charge will be levied in respect of replacement membership cards.
  6. An advanced fee is payable on the day of joining which is worked out pro-rata from the monthly price.
  7. Payment date is 5th of each month for monthly memberships. 28 days notice from any payment date is required to cancel the membership.

General terms of membership:

  1. The Applicant declares that the information given by the parent guarding on the parental consent form is complete and accurate and that he/she knows of no reason whatsoever unless otherwise declared on the consent form why they should not participate in the programme prescribed however strenuous.
  2. The Applicant will notify South Ayrshire Council Leisure section of any change to their physical condition which renders the information on the consent from incorrect in any respect by immediately informing the staff at the relevant facility of any changes that have occurred.
  3. The Applicant will comply with the Rules relating to the use of the swimming pool and other facilities.
  4. Memberships may be frozen (for acceptable reasons, e.g. injury) if the duration is less than 2 months. We cannot guarantee the same space and time after this period.
  5. Failure to comply with any Rules relating to the use of the, swimming pool, and other facilities may result in membership being withdrawn.
  6. On occasion it may be necessary for South Ayrshire Council to close areas of the facility for essential maintenance.
  7. Planned closures for holiday periods or planned activities (e.g. Gala Competitions) will not constitute reasons for a refund.

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