About school admissions
Information about school admissions and placing requests.
There are 8 secondary schools, 40 primary schools, and 2 special schools managed by us.
Catchment areas
Your child will usually go to the school in their catchment area.
The parent or carer's address decides the child's catchment school. Living in the catchment area does not guarantee a place at the catchment school.
Each residential address has a catchment denominational and non-denominational primary and secondary school.
If you have moved into South Ayrshire or are considering moving to South Ayrshire you can contact any of our schools for further information.
We provide free transport for all primary pupils who live more than two miles from their catchment school (by the recognised shortest acceptable walking route) and to secondary pupils who live more than three miles from their catchment school (by the recognised shortest acceptable walking route).
Placing request
You can make a placing request to another school of your choice within South Ayrshire, further information on this process is contained in our placing request section.