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Aids and adaptations

View the Scheme of Assistance for Homeowners and Private Tenants 18-23 (Word doc, 99 KB).

Grants are currently available to homeowners and private tenants who require adaptations to continue living in their homes.

You can apply if you are a homeowner, or if you part own your home through a shared ownership or shared equity scheme. You can also apply if you are a private tenant, (you will need to get the landlord's permission to get the work done, but they can't turn down your request without a good reason).

What kind of work can I get a grant for?

The council has to award you a grant if the work is essential to enable the person to continue living in the property, and:

  • you're adapting a home for a person who has a disability, and;
  • the property is the person's only or main home, and;
  • the property doesn't have a sink, bath, shower or washbasin without or cold water, a toilet that isn't shared with any other households, and you want to install one or more of these amenities that will meet the needs of the person, or;
  • the home already has the hygiene and washing amenities listed above but the person isn't able to use one or more of them, or;
  • the work is structural or involves making permanent changes to the house but does not involve:
    • extending the home to create extra living space, or
    • creating accommodation in a separate building (for example, converting a separate garage to a bedroom).

Please note it is up to the council to decide whether or not an adaptation is essential: this is decided as part of the community care assessment process.

Housing Options

  • If the layout of your home will not allow for the necessary adaptation to be carried out or,
  • If your property, after adaptations are carried out, will not offer you a long term sustainable home or,
  • If the proposed adaptations do not offer best value,

It is recommended that you consider the alternative housing options available to you. South Ayrshire Council has a Housing Options Service that can provide you with a range of information. For further information please contact:

The Housing Options Service
80/88 Kyle Street
Tel: 0300 123 0900 (Press 2, then press 1, then say Housing Options)

If you are out with Ayr, you can contact one of the following offices if it is more convenient for you:

Troon Area Housing Office
Municipal Buildings, South Beach, Troon, KA10 6EF
Tel: 0300 123 0900 (Press 2, then press 1, then say Troon Housing)

Girvan Area Housing Office
17/19 Knockcushan St, Girvan, KA26 9AG
Tel: 0300 123 0900 (Press 2, then press 1, then say Girvan Housing)

Where can I get an assessment of my household's needs?

If you are applying for a grant for adaptation, the council must carry out an assessment of the needs of the person with the disability within your household. This assessment will be carried out by a Community Care Occupational Therapist.

To request an assessment or further information, please contact the:

Community Care Occupational Therapy Team
Tel: 0300 123 0900

How much grant could I get?

If you've applied for a grant to adapt your home for a person with a disability, or reinstate an adapted home, you'll get 80% of the approved expense, however if you or anyone else in your household receives any of the following benefits, you will get 100% of the approved expense.

  • universal credit
  • income support
  • income-based jobseeker's allowance
  • pension credit (guarantee element)
  • income-related employment and support allowance

The following people count as being part of your household:

  • your husband, wife or civil partner;
  • any of your dependents, or people on whom you depend (for example, your children or parents);
  • anyone else who lives with you or will be living with you when the work is done.

How do I apply for a grant?

Once your household has been assessed by a Community Care Occupational Therapist as requiring an aid and/or adaptation, you will be provided with the relevant forms.

If you require any assistance to complete forms or have any queries about applying for a grant please telephone 0300 123 0900 and ask for 'Housing grants'.

Or you can e-mail

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