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Employability Pipeline Support

Thriving Communities offer individuals aged 16+ employability support and training through a staged 1 - 5 pipeline.   

Individuals are fully supported through these stages by one of our Thriving Communities Officers who will be with them throughout their journey and support them to create a personalised action plan to achieve their employment goals. 

Stage 1 - The programme gives individuals the opportunity to develop basic employability skills and build on their confidence through group activities, one to one support and accredited learning.

Stage 2 - The programme gives individuals the opportunity to develop their work experience and continue to support them to grow in confidence with a work placement, group work and accredited learning.

Stage 3 - The programme gives individuals the opportunity to develop their employability skills further and complete a work placement suitable to their vocational interest along with accredited learning.

Stage 4 - At this stage on the programme individuals, who are job ready, are supported to secure employment. We have a dedicated employer engagement team who work closely with local employers to support them to fill vacancies utilising the skills and experience of young people who are registered on our Positive Futures programme.

Stage 5 - Individuals who have progressed into employment are supported through our aftercare support.  Contact is made regularly throughout their first year in employment and provide support and guidance to help them sustain employment. 

For more information:

Tel: 01292 612301
The Wallace Tower
172-176 High Street


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