Business Support
South Ayrshire Council offers a range of support designed to help local businesses start and grow:
- AMBITION programme
- Business Gateway
- Community Wealth Building
- Supplier Development Programme
- Business Beat e-newsletter
For the latest updates, follow Thriving Economy South Ayrshire on Facebook and Linked In.
AMBITION Programme
Our AMBITION programme supports job creation in South Ayrshire. It's for you if you aspire to be your own boss, are currently setting up a new venture or are an established business looking to grow.
AMBITION has been specially designed to work alongside your business, providing the right support at the right time - whether you've just got an idea but need help in bringing it to market, are in the early stages of trading, or have a growth project to make your business more competitive, productive or sustainable.
Whatever your ambition, we'll share it with you and help you achieve success. See what AMBITION can do for you - visit the AMBITION programme website.
Business Gateway
Through our Business Gateway service, our in-house team of Advisers can offer practical information, help and advice to existing South Ayrshire businesses or people planning on starting a business in South Ayrshire, including details on business support funding.
To arrange an appointment, call 01292 616 349. Office hours are: Monday - Thursday, 9.00am to 4.45pm; Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm.
The Business Gateway national website has a vast range of useful information.
If you're thinking about starting a business, visit
Community Wealth Building
Community Wealth Building (CWB) is a place-based approach to local economic development, which redirects wealth back into the local economy, and places control and benefits into the hands of local people.
This approach harnesses existing resources to support the local economy: procurement; employment; land and assets; financial power; and plural ownership of the economy.
Ayrshire is the first region in Scotland to adopt a place-based approach to Community Wealth Building. The Ayrshire Growth Deal Community Wealth Building Programme includes:
- Community Wealth Building Business Locality Officers who work with local enterprises to drive a CWB approach to local economic development across Ayrshire.
- Fair Work Ayrshire which is a free service that works with employers across Ayrshire to support, enable, and empower them to implement Fair Work in the workplace. The aim is to improve prosperity among local people and position Ayrshire as a Fair Work region.
For more information, see Community Wealth Building
Supplier Development Programme
Do you find tendering for contracts with the public sector confusing? Would you like support and advice to assist your business in all aspects of procurement?
The Supplier Development Programme assists businesses to improve their performance in winning contracts with Public Sector Organisations. The programme offers information and support covering procurement issues and helps to unravel the tendering process.
Assistance is provided via:
- Workshops and events
- B-link, quarterly newsletter
- Website
- In-depth training
To access the full range of support simply register your business details with the Supplier Development Programme.
Business Beat e-newsletter
Published every two months by our Economy & Regeneration team, Business Beat provides information on funding and support available for your business, along with a round-up of relevant news, procurement opportunities and upcoming events.
To subscribe to the mailing list, please email
To see previous issues, please click below:
Find Business Support
The Find Business Support website directs your business to Scotland's public sector support. It gives customers an overview of all funding and services offered by public sector organisations across Scotland. This makes it quicker and easier for businesses to find the information, advice and support they need, when they need it.
Information is available for businesses of all sizes - from start-ups to established companies, from sole traders to large enterprises, from commercial businesses to social enterprises.
Gateway to Ayr Town Centre Shopfront Improvement Programme (GATCSIP)
The Gateway to Ayr Town Centre Shopfront Improvement Programme (GATCSIP) offers grants for eligible businesses, property owners, and tenants, with priority given to projects that enhance both the shopfront and surrounding streetscape. Eligible businesses must meet specific criteria and comply with any Conservation Area requirements.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult the Ayr Town Centre Shopfront Design Guide for valuable insights, design standards, and practical guidance to support their application.
You can read the Design guide here: Ayr Shop Front Design Guide (PDF, 7 MB)
Grant support from £1,000 to £12,000 is being provided to eligible businesses, property owners and tenants within the defined 'Gateways' to Ayr Town Centre.
To find out if your business is in the eligible area look at the New Bridge & High Street Gateway Map and the Burns Statue Square Gateway Map (see thumbnails below).
For more details, please read the Ayr Shop Front Grant - Guide for Applicants (PDF, 1 MB)
For information about preparing scale drawings and sign requirements, please read the Scale Drawing and Sign Guide (PDF, 3 MB)
Who is eligible to apply to the GATCSIP Grant?
You are eligible to apply if you meet one of the two criteria below:
- You are the owner of a business or premises within one of the defined 'Gateways' to Ayr.
- You are the leaseholder of a business or commercial premises within one of the defined 'Gateways' to Ayr and have two or more years remaining on your lease. Please note, proof of permission to apply for a grant will be required from your landlord.
To find out if your business is in the eligible area look at the New Bridge & High Street Gateway Map
(click on thumbnail)and the Burns Statue Square Gateway Map
(click on thumbnail).Types of businesses or premises who are eligible to apply include:
- Shops
- Hairdressers, Beauty Salons, and Tattoo Parlours
- Cafes, Restaurants, and Takeaways
- Public Houses
- Professional or Financial Services
- Tourism and Leisure Facilities
Who is not eligible to apply for the GATCSIP grant?
The following businesses are not eligible to apply:
- Businesses or premises not located within the defined 'Gateways' to Ayr (see the New Bridge & High Street Gateway Map and the Burns Statue Square Gateway Map - click on thumbnails above).
- Businesses within the defined 'Gateways' to Ayr who have less than two years remaining on their lease.
- Businesses that form part of a chain of five or more outlets.
- Businesses with a turnover of more than £1m in the previous tax year.
- Businesses that received a shopfront grant from South Ayrshire Council for the same property in the last 3 years.
- Properties that cannot be accessed directly from public roads or streets.
- Businesses with an unpaid or outstanding debt with the Council.
How to apply to the GATCSIP Grant
If you believe you are eligible to apply for this grant, you can do so via this link below:
Gateway to Ayr Town Centre Shopfront Improvement Programme Grant
Applications will close on Wednesday 30 April 2025 11:59pm.
What happens next?
On receipt of your completed application and other requested documentation, you should receive a response within 8 weeks.
If you have any questions, please contact us at