Make a request for information
Use this service to make a freedom of information request or environmental information regulations request.
Under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations (Scotland) 2004 (EIR) you've the right to request certain information from us.
Information is free, unless it's estimated that the cost to provide the information is excessive.
EIR applies to all information which relates to the environment including land, air, water, soil, buildings, animals, waste, and pollution of all kinds. This also includes reports, measures and analysis of environmental information.
An FOI applies to all other information.
You don't need to specify whether you are requesting information under FOI or EIR.
Eligibility criteria
We usually can't provide:
- personal data
- data in relation to commercial interests
- data that has a negative impact on health and safety
- data that has a negative impact on security
Before you start
Read our publication scheme (PDF, 558 KB) and our freedom of information guide (PDF, 4 MB) to view lists of all the classes of information that we make available. These documents also detail the format of the information and how you can access it.
Please check that the information isn't freely available from other sources.
We'll need details of the specific information you're requesting.
How to request
What happens next
Once we've assessed your request we'll aim to reply to you within 20 working days.
If additional time is required to reply to your EIR request, we may extend our response time by a further 20 working days.
We may contact you to request that a fee is paid if we estimate the cost of providing the information is excessive.