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Other authority services

Many statutory authorities has its own publication scheme. These schemes can be accessed by using the contact details listed below:

Strathclyde Fire and Rescue

Strathclyde Fire and Rescue carry out fire services on behalf of the Council.

Brigade Headquarters
Bothwell Road
Hamilton, ML3 0EA
Tel. 01698 300999

Police Scotland

Police Scotland carry out police services on behalf of the Council.

Police Scotland
173 Pitt Street
Glasgow, G2 4JS
Tel. 0141 532 2000

Ayrshire Valuation Joint Board

The Ayrshire Valuation Joint Board carries out assessor and electoral registration services for the Council; each of these functions has its own publication scheme.

9 Wellington Square
Ayr, KA7 1DS
Tel. 01292 612221

South Ayrshire Licensing Board

The South Ayrshire Licensing Board has responsibility for liquor licensing and for the licensing of bookmakers and betting offices in South Ayrshire.

County Buildings
Wellington Square
Ayr, KA7 1DR
Tel: 01292 617687

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