How to book a PC
How to book
Our public access PCs are available to use directly on site but in order to ensure your slot you can contact the library you would like to book your computer time with, directly by phone, or you can
You will need a valid South Ayrshire Library card number and PIN to do this. Please view the council's ICT acceptable use policy (PDF, 723 KB).
Live, work or study in South Ayrshire and you don't yet have a library card please
Free Wi-Fi available in all our libraries
We use the South Ayrshire Council Public wi-fi service which is available in all our libraries and across many of the council's public buildings.
Wi-Fi Printing Service
From your own smartphone, tablet or laptop - from home (or anywhere else!)
On your device, go to:
where instructions are now also provided for submitting and retrieving your wi-fi print job.
Watch our video for more information
Visitor requiring to use our wi-fi printing service
If you are a visitor to the library please speak to library staff as guest access can be arranged.
If you would like to listen to something on our PCs you will need to bring your own headphones.
All our PCs are connected to laser colour printers. Printing Charges apply.
Scanners are also available on some PCs' for those requiring electronic copies of images or documents. If you require to use a scanner please mention this when you are booking your PC, as not all of our computers have a scanner connected to them.