QMA Supported Learning Centre (SLC)
Queen Margaret Academy Supported Learning Centre
The Supported Learning Centre is based within Queen Margaret Academy. The SLC provides up to fifty two places for young people from S1 to S6 who have a variety of Additional Support Needs. Places are allocated through the Central Admissions Group.
The SLC has maximum class numbers of ten, with high staff to pupil ratios. The Curriculum is closely aligned to young people's age and stage of development, and a number of practical subjects are taught by subject specialist teachers. Young people can access a wide range of SQA Qualifications ranging from National 1 to National 5 and beyond.
Nurturing Approaches for the SLC
Within Queen Margaret Academy Supported Learning Centre, the Six Principles of Nurture are followed and base these on the pillars of: Support and Challenge. The aim is to provide all learners with the education they deserve and the nurture they need to achieve the best possible educational outcomes.
Nurturing Principles
1. Young people's learning is understood developmentally. Planned activities within the classes reflects the developmental stage of each learner. Staff meet regularly to discuss the learners learning, emotional needs and their progress. Staff reflect, revise and review each day, to ensure learning opportunities are effective, appropriate and achievable.
2. The classroom offers a safe base.
The Supported Learning Centre (SLC) provides a bridge between home and school, a warm, welcoming and friendly environment where learners feel emotionally safe and secure, but where attending classes within the rest of the school is fully supported. Structures, routines and modelling of positive relationships are essential components of the SLC.
3. The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing.
Participating in a wide range of activities within the SLC, with the emphasis on relationships, learners will be more able to face the challenges of everyday life, to solve problems and to tackle new experiences. Praise, positive reinforcement and the recognition and celebration of wider achievements are daily occurrences.
4. Language is as a vital means of communication.
Focused attention is paid to the use of language with high levels of learner/adult interactions, everything is explained and explored. Individual needs are always taken into consideration and staff promote and support the development of specific, positive and expected behaviours from all learners.
5. All behaviour is communication.
Learners learn acceptable ways of communicating their likes, dislikes and feelings. There is an emphasis on achieving targets within a supportive environment. Staff are attuned to the feelings and stressors of learners and support learners through any difficulties.
6. The importance of transition in young people's lives.
Managing transitions is a key feature of the SLC, preparing the learners for day-to-day events and changes to the usual routines. Welcome routines at the beginning and end of each lesson and each school day, alongside support whilst transitioning from the SLC into mainstream classes are vital. Transitions into the SLC and from the SLC to the world beyond school are carefully planned and supported.