Regulatory Panel - Planning - 23 June 2022
Regulatory Panel agenda and associated papers for the meeting on 23 June 2022
- Chair - Councillor Bell
- Councillor Cavana
- Councillor Clark
- Councillor Connolly
- Councillor Kilbride
- Councillor Kilpatrick
- Councillor Dixon
- Councillor Townson
- Councillor Mackay
Notice of meeting
Agenda for the Regulatory Panel - 23 June 2023 (PDF, 264 KB)
1. Declarations of Interest.
2. Hearings relating to Applications for Planning Permission - Submit Reports by the Director - Place
Summary list
item 2 Summary list (PDF, 28 KB)
item 2/1 Victory Parek and Pavillion Girvan
item 2/1 22/00093/APP (PDF, 178 KB)
item 2/2 Alexanders Sawmills Ltd Ayr
item 2/2 21/00772/PPPM (PDF, 272 KB)
item 2/3 Knockendale Farm Symington
item 2/3 22/00198/APP (PDF, 111 KB)
item 2/4 Water pipe adjacent to Gregg Bridge Pinmore
item 2/4 22/00164/APP (PDF, 117 KB)
item 2/5 Proposed dwellinghouse St Quivox Ayr
item 2/5 22/00227/FUR (PDF, 107 KB)
item 2/6 3c St Quivox Rd Prestwick
item 2/6 22/00192/APP (PDF, 124 KB)
item 2/7 Land adjacent to Borneo Hill Dundonald
item 2/7 22/00132/PPP (PDF, 150 KB)
item 2/8 Land at Whilk Meadow Ballantrae
item 2/8 22/00334/APP (PDF, 202 KB)
item 2/9 Proposed Windfarm, Knockcronal Straiton
item 2/9 22/00242/APP (PDF, 214 KB)
3. Applications under S36 of the Electricity Act 1989 (as amended)
(1) Proposed Wind Farm, Knockcronal, U4 From C1 Junction near Craig via Balbeg and Dalmorton to Palmullan Bridge, Straiton (Ref 21/00993/DEEM); and
(2) Proposed Carrick Windfarm, C1 From Newton Stewart Road Straiton, south to Council boundary north-east of Loch Moan, Straiton (22/00094//DEEM).
Meeting Papers
Agenda and Reports for the meeting on 23 June 2022 (PDF, 2 MB)
Meeting recording
The recording of this meeting can be viewed on our Webcasting channel.
Minute of 23td Regulatory Panel (Planning) (PDF, 128 KB)