What we do for our landlords
Your Choice offers two main services to landlords in exchange for a fee; a Tenant Find service and the option of the service taking on Full Management of the property. We offer a relationship-based housing management service to support tenancy sustainment.
Your Choice is a social letting service, provided by South Ayrshire Council and are a fully registered Letting Agent with the Scottish Government Letting Agent Registraion Scheme - LARN2008004.
As members of the Council of Letting Agents, our dedicated team adhere to training requirements and comply with a statutory code of practice.
Your Choice can offer you peace of mind when it comes to managing your tenancy. We look after tenants and Landlords alike, so you can expect the same level of service we offer our tenants, hassle free full management service where we will take care of all areas of the letting process.
What to expect from Your Choice:
- Tenant matching service by marketing on Social Media and South Ayrshire Council Website.
- Provide 3 months rent guarantee if tenant falls into difficulty.
- Lodge deposit with Safe Deposit Scotland on your behalf.
- Prepare all your lease documents and ensure your tenant understands their obligations.
- Continued support throughout tenancy.
Phone or email and one of our dedicated team will be happy to discuss your property and the benefits of our services.

Contact us:
Email: prs@south-ayrshire.gov.uk
Telephone: Kristen Ruckledge or Norma McGlone on 01292 473477