Accessible Ayr - town centre public realm plans

A series of public consultations organised by Accessible Ayr are to take place on the future of Ayr town centre. South Ayrshire Council, Ayrshire Roads Alliance and Sustrans are developing plans to significantly invest in the town centre streetscape, making it a vibrant and more attractive place for people to visit and enjoy, as well as making it easier to access by pedestrians and cyclists.
As part of the project, a series of business and public consultations have been organised to help design plans for change. Public drop in events are being held at The Grain Exchange on High Street on Thursday 17 November from 12pm until 4pm and on Saturday 19 November at Ayr Central Shopping Centre on Skye Square from 12pm until 4pm. The plans will also be available to view online from 14 November at
An initial survey sought the views of businesses and residents located on the streets to be redesigned including High St, Sandgate, Kyle St, Alloway Street, Newmarket St, Fort St, Carrick St, John St, Station Rd, Smith St, Burns Statue Square, River St, Main St, King St, Allison St, Barns Crescent, Wellington Sq, Pavilion Rd and Miller Rd.
Key concerns raised included empty shops, lack of independent retailers, uneven pavements, accessibility, public transport issues, and a general lack of investment in the town centre.
Fiona Robertson of streets-UK who will be leading the consultations said, "This is an opportunity for the community to shape the plans for a town centre environment that they want and it's also important for the designers to understand the change that is needed in order to take the proppsals to the next level."
Councillor Bob Pollock, Economic Development Portfolio Holder for South Ayrshire Council said: "It's important that people view the proposals and have their say. These suggestions would significantly change the physical environment in Ayr Town Centre, making it easier to access for pedestrians and cyclists and making it a more attractive and welcoming place to visit and spend time. I would encourage members of the community, any business who has not engaged with the consultation so far to get involved."
Daniel Prince, Senior Grant Advisor for Sustrans said: "Accessible Ayr is a groundbreaking project that will make walking, wheeling, and cycling easier and safer for everyone travelling in and out of the town centre. We look forward to continuing to work closely with our partners on the project, as well as to hearing the ideas of people living and working in Ayr."
The public have until Monday 12 December to feed back their comments either in person or online at
Those unable to access the website can get in touch with the team by email or calling freephone 0800 987 5990.