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Common Good Consultation - Low Green Ayr

Notice of consultation under Section 104 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.

Reason for Site Notice Being Displayed: South Ayrshire Council is proposing to provide an Events Space WiFi Service on the Low Green and Shorefront areas of Ayr, which will enhance digital connectivity and the user experience during major events held in that location. The Council has secured grant funding from the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT), as part of the 5G Innovation Regions Programme (5GIR), to establish the Events Space WiFi. Provision of this new WiFi service will require a combination of hardware installation on existing street lighting, augmented by the installation of four new galvanised columns along the path located at the centre of the Low Green.

Notice is hereby given of a PUBLIC CONSULTATION.

In terms of Section 104 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, local authorities are required to consult with the local community when planning a change of use of common good property.

The proposal is to create a public WiFi network, which will provide event space internet access on the Low Green.

This would be created by a combination of hardware installations on existing street lighting, augmented by installation of four new galvanised columns along the path running through the centre of the Low Green. The proposed columns for the Low Green will be for public WiFi infrastructure only.

The Council has secured grant funding to cover the installation costs through a pan-Ayrshire bid to the 5G Innovation Regions Programme, provided by the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology.

It is anticipated the WiFi Service will provide Economic Development and Tourism benefits through two types of digital internet access:

  • Private and restricted service for trader access, to guarantee bandwidth for sales related activities.
  • Event attendee service via general public access, which is important for attracting and supporting major events and enhancing the visitor experience.

The extent of the area covered by the proposal is shown outlined in the plan below.

Description of the Consultation Process

Anyone may make representations about this proposal to South Ayrshire Council. Representations must be in writing, by email, or by online response as detailed below and include the name and address of the person making it. All representations must be received by 17:00hrs on Sunday 29th December 2024. All representations received will be published with the exception of those considered to be potentially offensive or libellous. The names of individuals and organisations making representations and their postcode will be published alongside the representation made. The Council will remove any telephone numbers, mobile numbers, personal email addresses, residential addresses and signatures from published information.

South Ayrshire Council's Asset Management and Community Asset Transfer Privacy Notice can be viewed on the Council's website at:

Low Green Consultation


1. Installation of hardware on lighting columns at C1-C22.

2. New columns installed on Low Green path (Pole 1 to Pole 4) will connect into C19 and C22.

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