16 Days of Action

South Ayrshire Council is once again supporting the '16 Days of Action' to end violence against women.
The initiative takes place every year in countries across the world and starts on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on Monday 25 November, and ends on Human Rights Day on Tuesday 10 December.
The campaign aims to tackle violence against women and change attitudes and behaviour at all levels, and encourages us to acknowledge, discuss and work together to drive change.
Our Thriving Communities team, in partnership with the South Ayrshire Violence Against Women Partnership, have organised a variety of events in support of the campaign over the duration of the 16 days. These include violence prevention workshops; community play screenings; informative webinars; and the popular Reclaim the Night Walk which will take place on Tuesday 26 November.
You can find a full schedule of events and more information on our website: https://www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/article/40242/South-Ayrshire-Violence-Against-Women-Partnership
You can also join the White Ribbon Scotland campaign where you can pledge not to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women: Make Your Pledge - White Ribbon Scotland
Councillor Laura Brennan - Whitefield, Chair of the Violence Against Women Partnership, said: "The 16 Days of Action is an opportunity to reach out to as many people as possible to raise awareness of domestic abuse. It's essential that women know that there is support available, even though it might be hard to take those first few steps. We are committed to working with our partners to show our support to anyone affected by abuse."
Councillor Hugh Hunter, South Ayrshire Council's Portfolio Holder for Health and Social Care said: "The 16 Days of Action initiative is an important annual event which enables us to raise awareness and provide much needed support to those in need. As a society, we must continue to show our commitment to helping those who may be vulnerable or are experiencing abuse in any form. We will continue to work with our partners to support as many people as possible and help change lives for the better."