South Ayrshire Visitor Levy - have your say!
The Council is asking residents and businesses based in South Ayrshire for their views on the potential introduction of a Visitor Levy.
Councils in Scotland have the power to impose a Levy for people staying overnight in certain types of accommodation.
The proceeds from the Levy could be used by the Council to develop, support, and sustain facilities and services used by visitors and residents.
Initial estimates suggest that after administration costs, around £0.4m to £0.5m could be raised annually if a 5% Visitor Levy charge was introduced.
No decision has been made on whether a Visitor Levy will be introduced, and the Council is keen to capture the views of residents and businesses operating in the region.
A survey has been developed to capture what residents and businesses think of a potential Levy. The survey asks people if they think a Levy should be introduced and if they do, what the % should be. The survey also asks if any types of accommodation should be exempt and what the proceeds should be used for.
Councillor Alec Clark, Tourism, Culture and Rural Affairs Portfolio Holder for South Ayrshire Council said: "To date, only City of Edinburgh Council has said they will introduce a Levy in Scotland. We want to find out what our residents and businesses think before a proposal is even considered.
"Key to any proposals would be how proceeds from the Levy would be used. A South Ayrshire Visitor Levy Forum could be set up. The forum could include representation from local tourism operators, businesses and communities and would have a role in deciding how funding is used."
Councillor Brian Connolly, Sport and Leisure Portfolio Holder said: "We're at the very early stages of considering a Visitor Levy and it will be interesting to see how the Levy is received in Edinburgh.
"The survey and accompanying material give as much information as possible on how the Levy could work, so it's important that businesses and residents read the info and have their say."
For more information and to view the survey visit The survey closes at 4pm on Friday 9 May 2025.
Following analysis of any feedback, the Council will decide whether or not to develop a formal proposal for the introduction of a Visitor Levy scheme and any local exemptions. Following the publishing of a scheme proposal, 18 months minimum must be allowed for formal consultation and implementation.