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Housing investment set to continue


South Ayrshire Council is set to decide on its 2025/26 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue Budget and Proposed Capital Budget.

If agreed, this means £193 million will be spent improving the Council's existing housing stock, continuing the investment in new build housing and increasing the supply of affordable housing over the next five years. 

The agreed budget will allow the internal modernisation of some 2,800 properties and the continuation of the window replacement programme. It would also allow other works such as replacement roofs and wall coverings, along with other measures to help improve energy efficiency. 

Last year, the Council agreed a 4.5% rent increase from 2024/25 - 2026/27. This is year two of the agreed three-year rent increase and will see an average increase of less than £3.80 per week. Tenants have already been advised of their new rent charge for the coming year.

Councillor Martin Kilbride, Buildings, Housing and Environment Portfolio Holder for South Ayrshire Council said: "If the budget is approved, it will allow us to continue with our housing capital investment programme over the next five years.

"This funding is vital as it allows us to continue to repair and improve our housing stock, meet the needs of tenants, and increase the supply of housing across South Ayrshire. 

"Any tenant struggling to pay their rent should contact our Housing Service. The sooner they do this the better as information, advice and support is available."

You can view the panel paper at

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