Early Years Centres and funded providers

Contact details for our early years centres and funded providers.

Some of our centres will be able to offer a more flexible arrangement to suit the needs of parents and families. Where there are more applications than places available admission criteria will apply - view priorities for 1140 hrs. Further details and application form will be available March 2023. Please contact the Early Years team if you have further enquiries edservicesELC@south-ayrshire.gov.uk.

Early years centres


Funded providers

Alphabet Yard

South Harbour St, Ayr
Contact: Elaine Buchanan (O), Tel: 01292 260444

Busy Bees

Ayr Hospital, Dalmellington Road
Contact: Danielle McGinley (M), Tel: 01292 268452

Doonvale Private Nursery

Doonholm Road, Ayr
Contact: Gemma Hume (O), Valerie Lang (M), Tel: 01292 440400

Fly High Early Learning and Childcare

13-19 Main Street, Monkton KA9 2RN

Contact: Manager Tracy Murdoch, Tel: 01292 475360

Granny Smith's

22 Ayr Street, Troon
Contact: Janice Smyth (O), Bethany Davidson (M), Tel: 01292 316606

Heads Of Ayr Nursery

Laigh Kyleston Farm, Dunure, Ayr, KA7 4LD

Contact: Kerri Miller,  01292 388456

Jacqueline's Childminding Service

Troon, Tel: 07896840464

Lisa's ChildcAyr (Childminder)

Tel: 07444792988

Marina View Nursery

131 Templehill, Troon KA10 6BQ
Contact: Claire McCrossin (O) and Heather McMaster (M), Tel: 01292 317031

Pine Trees

1 Ayr Road, Prestwick
Contact: Fiona Caldow (M) Diane McCarrell (M), Tel: 01292 475372

Riverbank Nursery

2 Citadel Place, Ayr  KA7 1JN
Contact: Manager Linda Gordon Tel: 01292 268014

The Meadows

74 Mauchline Rd, Mossblown KA6 5DL
Contact: Kirsty Semple, Tel: 01292 521182

Wellington School

Craigweil Road, Ayr
Contact: Jimmy Cox, Tel: 01292 269321

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