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Girvan's Story

About the Project

Girvan's Story is a community-led regeneration project, currently in a development stage, which has been awarded funding of £230,000 from Historic Environment Scotland, National Heritage Lottery Fund and South Ayrshire Council.

The funding will be used to develop a detailed bid for the Project which aims to improve several of Girvan's landmark buildings while delivering a programme of traditional skills training and heritage activities.

If we are successful in our bid then around £5m would be spent on the project over five years. Other benefits could include a small grants scheme to support owners with the cost of shopfront improvements and building repairs.

Progress to Date

Work completed to date includes a review of the conservation area. Community members participated in an online questionnaire and supported an amendment to the conservation area boundary. The next step of developing a conservation area management plan is being completed by local firm ARPL architects who have also completed a study of the building materials used in Girvan's historic buildings.

O'Donnell Brown Architects are managing a Design Team to complete survey work and develop repair plans for our priority projects. This work involves consultation with building users and has been informed by business plans that are also in development.

A traditional skills audit was completed to understand the skills gaps in the area and identify opportunities to partner with local organisations to provide training for young people. This information combined will help to inform our programme of traditional skills training.

Consultants Ice Cream Architecture have engaged with a range of groups and individuals to gather ideas on what heritage and traditional skills activities the community would like to see happen in Girvan. Taster activities delivered to date include a traditional skills & heritage careers engagement session and a traditional roofing skills workshop at Girvan Academy.    

Girvan's story ODBrown Image showing students models of historic buildings
Girvan's story picture of stand providing information on Girvan's history

Ways to get involved

Drop into Girvan library and complete one of our postcards to share stories and ideas for the project.

For further information contact the Project Officer by e-mailing 




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