Register a marriage
Find out how to register a marriage.
Registering a Marriage
You'll need to complete and submit forms and documents before your ceremony. This is also known as submitting notice. These need to be submitted in advance.
Who can register a marriage?
Both partners must:
- be of legal age to marry
- not be related to each other in a way which prevents a marriage
- not be currently married and not in a civil partnership
- understand the nature of a marriage ceremony and is able to consent to marriage
Documents required:
You should complete:
- 1 x M10 marriage notice form for each partner: Marriage Notice Form (these must be submitted as originals)
- 1 x Witness information form per couple Witness Information Form (PDF, 62 KB)
- If you're a non-UK national, you should complete Declaration of Status by Non-UK Nationals: Declaration of Status by Non-UK Nationals
You should submit your forms with supporting documents:
- Birth certificate
- Passport
- Proof of residence
If you've been married before, you also need to provide:
- Legal documents to prove any previous marriage or civil partnership has ended. e.g. Divorce Decree/Decree Absolute/Decree of Dissolution
- If your divorce or dissolution took place outside Scotland, please also complete one of the following forms:
- Death certificate if your previous spouse or civil partner has died
Non-UK Nationals are required to submit further documents. You may need to submit a marriage visa and/or a certificate of no impediment, please telephone the office direct for more information. Contact the Registrars team
How to submit your forms
The earliest you can submit forms is 3 months before your wedding, you must give at least 29 days' notice for a marriage. We recommend submitting your forms around 10 weeks before your wedding.
Marriage notice forms and supporting documents should be submitted by post to Ayr Registration Office, 5-9 High Street, Ayr, KA7 1LU. Alternatively, they can be put through the Town Hall letterbox. If posting, please ensure correct postage for your envelope size and weight.
Supporting documents can initially be submitted as photocopies, we will arrange for you to attend the office at a later date to provide your original supporting documents.
How much does it cost to submit your forms?
- £90.00 for your marriage notice forms
- £10.00 for your marriage certificate
Once we receive your forms in office, we will call you to process your forms and payment. Payment is made over the telephone by card.
What happens next?
Religious/Humanist/Belief Ceremony:
- We will arrange an appointment for you to attend the office to show your original supporting documents and collect your marriage schedule. Following your marriage, you must return the marriage schedule to this office within 3 days of your wedding.
Civil Marriage:
- We will arrange an appointment for you to attend the office to show your original supporting documents. Your Registrar will bring your marriage schedule to your ceremony and return it to the office following your wedding.
Once the marriage schedule is returned to the office, your marriage will be registered and your marriage certificate will be posted out to your chosen address.