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  • item 6 ARA Service Plan and Perf (Adobe pdf documents)

    1 Agenda Item No. 6 South Ayrshire Council Report by Depute Chief Executive and Director of Housing, Operations and Development to Service and Partnerships Perf...

  • Cabinet 200623 - Ayrshire Roads Alliance Service Plan (Adobe pdf documents)

    1 Agenda Item No. 4(a) South Ayrshire Council Report by Depute Chief Executive and Director of Housing, Operations and Development...

  • Agenda Item 5a - Assets in Common Goods Funds (Adobe pdf documents)

    1 Agenda Item No. 5(a) South Ayrshire Council Report by Assistant Director - Place to Leadership Panel of 8 March 2022 Subject: Strategic Review of Assets held ...

  • A&GP Combined File 260322 (Adobe pdf documents)

    County Buildings Wellington Square AYR KA7 1DR Telephone No. 01292 612169 9 March 2022 To: Councillors Dowey (Chair), D. Campbell, Clark, Cullen, Lyons, McCabe,...

  • Item 8 Audit Report (Adobe pdf documents)

    Committee Report Template - A template and guidance notes for compiling a report to be submitted to a Panel etc. of South Ayrshire Council 1 Agenda Item No. 8 S...

  • item 7d 20210615 lp participation requests (Word processor documents)

    Participation Requests under Part 3 of Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015: Annual Report Agenda Item No. 7(d) South Ayrshire Council Report by Head of Le...

  • Minutes of Previous Meeting of 9 February 2022 (Adobe pdf documents)

    Agenda Item 2 PARTNERSHIPS PANEL Minutes of the Meeting held remotely on 9 February 2022 at 10.00am Present: Councillors Arthur Spurling (Chair), Douglas Campbe...

  • Minutes of Partnership Panel of 9 February 2022 (Adobe pdf documents)

    PARTNERSHIPS PANEL Minutes of the Meeting held remotely on 9 February 2022 at 10.00am Present: Councillors Arthur Spurling (Chair), Douglas Campbell, Ian Cavana...

  • Minutes of Partnerships Panel of 9 February 2022 (Adobe pdf documents)

    PARTNERSHIPS PANEL Minutes of the Meeting held remotely on 9 February 2022 at 10.00am Present: Councillors Arthur Spurling (Chair), Douglas Campbell, Ian Cavana...

  • Minutes of Regulatory Panel (Planning) of 3 February 2022 (Adobe pdf documents)

    PARTNERSHIPS PANEL Minutes of the Meeting held remotely on 9 February 2022 at 10.00am Present: Councillors Arthur Spurling (Chair), Douglas Campbell, Ian Cavana...

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