Former Pinwherry Primary School
Former Pinwherry Primary School
Main Street, Pinwherry, South Ayrshire KA26 0RN
Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development Trust (SCIO) SC048025 have submitted an asset transfer request to purchase the former Pinwherry Primary School.
The proposed use is to acquire the building and redevelop the asset into a multi-purpose, accessible community facility.
Asset Transfer Request documents and maps
Decision notice 20210203 (PDF, 32 KB)
Notice of Asset Transfer Request PPCDT 7 August 2020 (PDF, 165 KB)
PPCDT CAT Application Form (PDF, 799 KB)
PPCDT Business Plan April 2020 (PDF, 4 MB)
PPCDT SCIO Constitution of 7 August 2020 (PDF, 359 KB)
Community questionnaire analysis (PDF, 587 KB)
Asset Location Plan (PDF, 235 KB)
Letter of Support Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Council (PDF, 74 KB)
Letter of Support Pinwherry Community Association (PDF, 785 KB)
Letter of Support Ballantrae Medical Practice (PDF, 8 MB)
The public consultation period has now closed.
The closing date for receipt of representations for the former Pinwherry Primary School was Monday 7th September at 4.45pm. A redacted copy of all representations received can be found here:
Representation in support 1 (PDF, 94 KB)
Representation in support 2 (PDF, 92 KB)
Representation in support 3 (PDF, 90 KB)
Representation in support 4 (PDF, 91 KB)
Representation in support 5 (PDF, 92 KB)
Representation in support 6 (PDF, 90 KB)
Representation in support 7 (PDF, 91 KB)
Representation in support 8 (PDF, 90 KB)
Representation in support 9 (PDF, 92 KB)
Representation in support 10 (PDF, 89 KB)
Representation in support 11 (PDF, 89 KB)
Representation in support 12 (PDF, 92 KB)
Representation in support Cllr Clark (PDF, 97 KB)
Representation in support Cllr Fitzsimmons (PDF, 90 KB)
The response received from Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development Trust (the applicant) to representations received is published below:
"The Trustees of Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development Trust (PPCDT) wish to express their gratitude and thanks to residents for all of their email representations made in support of our Community Asset Transfer request to South Ayrshire Council, for the former Pinwherry Primary School, as the new community facility.
The emails of support received and the letters of support PPCDT submitted with the application to the Council will be also add value as we progress with future funding applications for the facility.
We really appreciate the communities understanding of PPCDT's aspirations and plan for the future development of the buildings into a fit for purpose community facility in the village and hope to be able to make these aspirations a reality for all our residents soon!"
Thank you for your continued support
Yours sincerely
Peter Walker
Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development Trust