Search agendas for committee meetings
View agendas for committee meetings.
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e.g Select Year= 2023 then Month= October to show all papers published in October 2023.
Search results
South Ayrshire Council - 7 December 2023 Ayrshire Council - 7 December 2023 Notice of meeting Agenda 1. Provost. 2. Sederunt and Declarations of Interest. 3. Minutes of meetings...
CANCELLED - South Ayrshire Council (Special) - 2 November 2023 - South Ayrshire Council (Special) - 2 November 2023 Notice of meeting Agenda 1. Provost. 2. Sederunt and Declarations of Interest. 3 ...
South Ayrshire Council - 12 October 2023 Ayrshire Council - 12 October 2023 Notice of meeting Agenda 1. Provost. 2. Sederunt and Declarations of Interest. 3. Minutes of meetings...
South Ayrshire Council (Special) - 15 September 2023 Ayrshire Council (Special) - 15 September 2023 Notice of meeting Agenda 1. Provost. 2. Sederunt and Declarations of Interest. 3. - S...
South Ayrshire Council - 29 June 2023 Ayrshire Council - 29 June 2023 Notice of meeting Agenda 1. Provost. 2. Sederunt and Declarations of Interest. 3. Minutes of meeting...
South Ayrshire Council (Special) - 14 June 2023 Ayrshire Council (Special) - 14 June 2023 Notice of meeting Agenda 1. Provost. 2. Sederunt and Declarations of Interest. 3. - Submi...
South Ayrshire Council - 1 March 2023 Ayrshire Council - 1 March 2023 Notice of meeting Agenda 1. Provost. 2. Sederunt and Declarations of Interest. 3. Minutes of meetings ...
South Ayrshire Council - 15 December 2022 Ayrshire Council - 15 December 2022 Notice of meeting Agenda 1. Provost. 2. Sederunt and Declarations of Interest. 3. Minutes of meeti...
South Ayrshire Council - 13 October 2022 Ayrshire Council - 13 October 2022 Notice of meeting Agenda 1. Provost. 2. Sederunt and Declarations of Interest. 3. Minutes of meetings...
South Ayrshire Council (Special) - 9 September 2022 Ayrshire Council (Special) agenda for the meeting of 9 September 2022 Notice of meeting Agenda 1. Provost. 2. Sederunt and Declarations of...