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Prestwick Masterplan and Regeneration

We intend to spend £2m on the regeneration of Prestwick. The first step will be to develop a masterplan which will be used to identify and coordinate projects which could help transform the town.

The masterplan will be driven by the views of the community. Prestwick Civic Pride has already commissioned two studies which they feel should form part of the masterplan.

The first study is the Prestwick Heritage Freemans Hall Feasibility Study (PDF, 11 MB), which contains proposals for a new steeple. The study also reveals plans for a Health and Social Care Hub with the building shared between the Council, the Health and Social Care Partnership and the wider community.

Prestwick Civic Pride's second study is the Prestwick Shorefront Enhancement Programme (PDF, 17 MB). This includes proposals for improving access points at the promenade, activity areas and contains suggestions for the former bathing lake.

Understanding your views on Prestwick Civic Pride's proposals for the Freemans Hall and the promenade, will help us develop the masterplan.

We will also engage with other stakeholders such as Prestwick Community Council on the masterplan and there will be further public consultation in the future.

Please let us know what you think of Prestwick Civic Pride's studies by filling in this short survey

Survey closed Monday 3 June at 4pm.

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