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  • Important milestone for new Girvan Primary School

    The new school, which will be built on the grounds of the existing primary, has a budget of £22.4 million. 17 March 2023.

  • Belleisle Golf Course 'Masterplan' - Public Engagement Sessions

    Initial design concepts will be available to view at a range of public engagement sessions in October. 30 September 2024.

  • LGE20220505 Notice of election (Adobe pdf documents)

    LGE 2017 - Notice of Election Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Election Office, County Buildings, Wellington Square, Ayr KA7 1DR Email: election@...

  • Transfers Report Ward 6 - Kyle (Adobe pdf documents)

    ...This report contains the transfers results. Contest Name Ward 6 - Kyle Valid Votes 4,935 Positions to be Filled 3 Quota 1,234 Stage...

  • Notice of Review_MuirheadActivityCentre (Adobe pdf documents)

    Notice of Review_MuirheadActivityCentre NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR INTERNAL REVIEW: MUIRHEAD ACTIVITY CENTRE AND CAR PARK Date of Notice: 7/8/19 An application f...

  • PB Application Guidance Notes 24.25 (Word processor documents)

    Locality Planning Partnership – Participatory Budgeting Guidance Notes Guidance Notes to be used in Conjunction with the Participatory Budgeting (PB) Applicatio...

  • item 4 action log and work programme (Adobe pdf documents)

    AGP Action Log and Work Programme Audit and Governance Panel 1 Agenda Item No. 4 Action Log No Date of Meeting Issue Actions Assigned/...

  • Anti-fraud and anti-bribery strategy (Adobe pdf documents)

    ...Page 1 Statement of Intent 1 2 Operating Culture 2 3 Deterrence and Prevention 3 4 Detecting and Investigating Fraud, Bribery and...

  • Education appeals panel information sheet - December 2023 (Adobe pdf documents)

    EEdduuccaattiioonnaall SSeerrvviicceess ((AAppppeeaall)) SSuubb--CCoommmmiitttteeeess aanndd LLooccaall AAtttteennddaannccee CCoouunncciillss Information for Vo...

  • Application for Occasional Licences (Adobe pdf documents)

    Agenda Item No. 7(c) Application for Occasional Licence Applicant Premises Event Dates Requested Times Requested Nan Li Blairquhan Castle Straiton Maybole Weddi...

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