Equalities and diversity
Equality is about creating a fairer society where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential.
Is about recognising and valuing difference for the benefit of South Ayrshire communities, people who use our services and our staff.
South Ayrshire's commitment
South Ayrshire Council is fully committed to the general principles of fairness, equality and human rights and seeks to apply these principles in all that it does as a community leader, service provider and employer, Education Authority and Licensing Board by:
- Challenging and eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation wherever it can;
- Being inclusive, fair minded and transparent in all that it does;
- Tackling prejudice and promoting understanding and inclusion; and
- Consulting and engaging with service users and employees
The Council developed its Equality and diversity strategy (PDF, 2 MB). It provides in detail the Councils arrangements for meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations.
The Council has responsibilities under this legislation as:
- A Service Provider
- An Employer
- An Education Authority
- A Licensing Board
The Strategy explains these responsibilities along with more detailed information on:
- How equality is built into everything the Council does (mainstreaming) and
- The improvements and changes from the work it is taking forward on its own and in partnership to meet the equality and diversity needs and priorities identified by its communities (equality outcomes).
The Council, over the past years has reported its progress by delivering and publishing its Equality Outcomes and the Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Reports. These reports include the progress we have made in mainstreaming equalities across the Council, the Education Authority and Licensing Board. We also have a duty to publish the latest Pay Gap information and workforce data on the protected characteristics is also detailed in these reports.
In 2021, we agreed Shared Equality Outcomes which have been set for Equality Outcomes 2021-2025 (Word doc, 1 MB).
To view the latest Equality and Mainstreaming Reports please use the links below:
- Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Report 2019-2021 (PDF, 18 MB)
- SAC Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Interim Progress Report 2023 Final (PDF, 9 MB)
- Ayrshire Shared Equality Outcomes (2021-2025) Mid-Term Progress Report 2023 (PDF, 363 KB)
LGBT Charter Journey
We have achieved the LGBT Charter Foundations Award Award in recognition of our commitment to equality of access to our services so that they are inclusive for LGBT people. The Charter, operated by LGBT Youth Scotland, enables us to show the steps we have and will continue to take to improve services and the workplace.
Co-ionannachd is Iomadachd
Is ann mu dheidhinn cruthachadh co-chomunn nas cothromaiche anns an urrainn gach neach pàirt a ghabhail agus cothrom fhaighinn air an cuid comais a ruighinn a tha co-ionannachd. Is ann mu dheidhinn aithneachadh agus luachadh eadar-dhealachadh chum buannachd choimhearsnachdan Siorrachd Inbhir Àir a Deas, agus dhaoine a tha a' cleachdadh ar seirbheisean agus ar luchd-obrach, a tha iomadachd.
Tha Comhairle Siorrachd Àir a Deas fo làn chùmhnant ri prionnsapalan coitcheann cothromachd, co-ionannachd agus còirichean daonna agus airson gun coilean iad na prionnsapalan sin anns gach nì a nì iad mar stiùiriche coimhearsnachd, mar sholaraiche seirbheis agus mar bhuidheann-fastaidh, ùghdarras foghlaim agus Bòrd Ceadachaidh le bhith:
- A' toirt dùbhlan agus a' cur às do lethspreidh mì-laghail, sàrachadh agus ìobairteachd uair sam bith as urrainn dhaibh;
- In-ghabhalach, cothromach agus soilleir anns gach nì a nì iad;
- A' dèiligeadh ri claon-bhàigh agus a' brosnachadh tuigse agus in-ghabhail; agus
- A' sireadh comhairle agus a' dol an sàs le luchd-cleachdaidh seirbheis agus luchd-obrach
Bidh sealladh na Comhairle a thaobh co-ionannachd agus iomadachd a' suidhe taobh a-staigh co-theacsa nas fharsainge far a bheil Sealladh gnàthaichte na Comhairle gu bhith a' stèidheachadh Siorrachd Àir a Deas mar a' choimhearsnachd as beòthaile, as in-ghabhalaiche agus as seasmhaiche ann an Alba. Mar bhunait air an seo tha luachan agus prionnsapalan stiùiridh ris a bheil sinn a' gabhail gu bhith:
- Ag èisteachd agus a' toirt aire do na tha sinn a' cluinntinn
- Onarach, soilleir agus treun nar cuid obrach
- For-ghnìomhach ag obair ann an com-pàirt
- A' brosnachadh co-ionannachd le bhith a' dèiligeadh ri leth-spreidh agus ana-cothrom
- A' strì airson sàr-mhaitheas
- A' togail àm ri teachd a bhios seasmhach airson na sgìre
- South Ayrshire Council Gaelic Language Plan 2020-2025 (in English) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Report 2019-2021 (PDF, 18 MB)
- Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Report 2018-2019 (PDF, 5 MB)
- Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming 2017 to 2018 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Draft Workforce Monitoring Report 2017 Appendices 1-3 Including Gender Pay Gap (PDF, 801 KB)
- BSL Mid Term Report PROOF 3 (1) (PDF, 1 MB)
- Ayrshire British Sign Language Local Plan 2018 - 2024 (PDF, 5 MB)
- Equality & Diversity Briefing December 2021 (Word doc, 42 KB)